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How to use an energy-saving refrigerator.

How to use an energy-saving refrigerator(2)

Do not forget to check the condition of the tires on the edge of the refrigerator. The rubber edge is the part that helps keep the cold from leaking. and help make the refrigerator door close more tightly How to test the condition of the rubber edge

How to use an energy-saving refrigerator?

How to use an energy-saving refrigerator?

How to use an energy-saving refrigerator ? Refrigerators need to be plugged in all the time to cool and extending the shelf life of food, beverages or fresh products to last longer which. if we use the refrigerator in the wrong way It will make the refrigerator work harder waste

Get to know Emotional Intelligence.

Get to know Emotional Intelligence

Get to know Emotional Intelligence.Emotional intelligence is the ability to control emotions ready to express appropriately. Of course, in the work different people have different ideas. Each meeting brainstorm each idea. There will always be opinions that we disagree with. If you don’t know how to control your emotions replied furiously or expressing dissatisfaction when

Get to know 9 Soft Skills(continue)

Get to know 9 Soft Skills(continue)

Time Management Skills Get to know 9 Soft Skills(continue) Time management skills are another basic soft skill that you should have. Especially in an era where everything is in a hurry One person has many responsibilities. The more you need to manage your time, a simple technique that

Get to know 9 Soft Skills

Get to know 9 Soft Skills

Get to know 9 Soft Skills. In addition to specific skills or Hard skill that is a strong point for putting in a resume Another thing that people are looking for And it is considered one of the staff selection criteria is ‘Soft Skill’. Whether you have just graduated

7 techniques for effective online meetings

7 techniques for effective online meetings

Clearly set the agenda for online meetings. 7 techniques for effective online meetings. If you are an online meeting organizer before starting an appointment or meeting a colleague Agenda for the meeting should be set. That you want to have a meeting on any subject.  What are the

What Scales and body composition measurements can do ?

What Scales and body composition measurements can do ?

What Scales and body composition measurements can do ? Healthy young people probably already have a scale at home, but in this era, the era is over to use just a normal weight scale. OfficeMate recommends scales and body composition measurements.  The ability to measure

Why do we need blood pressure monitor?

Why do we need blood pressure monitor?

Why do we nedd blood pressure monitor? blood pressure monitor is  Equipment to check the health of the body initially suitable for the elderly people with underlying disease. Including guests Blood pressure levels can indicate many different disorders. The pressure value displayed on the screen is a number that tells